Huwebes, Marso 27, 2014

REGRETS: Obstacle in life

Regrets are the things that hinder our advance towards something. Mostly those regrets are the things that we’ve done in the past that bothers our conscience which makes us think about it all the time. Thinking about the ways on how are we going to make it right.

          Even I have regrets in life. One of those is when I lied to my father when I was in elementary. My father got angry to me for not saying the truth now my parents don’t trust me in some aspects. Another regrets of mine is when I couldn’t even say thanks to my cousin. Now that she passed, I can’t help myself to think over and over again about the chances to say thank you that slipped because of my laziness. Another regret of mine is when I played DOTA with my friends thinking that we won’t be late, because we have program in school, we thought wrong. We were accused for cutting classes and our parents were called. That is the first time my parent was called.
          You know, regrets also make the person stronger and better and confident to face the future. Regrets are just hindrance in life but it is also part of living. We all just need is to think that our regrets are our own decision and we are the one who chose that. If we all think that way, there will be no more regrets in life.


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