Huwebes, Marso 27, 2014



Dear God,
          Lord you created parents to guide us and to care for us. Parents are not made for us not to respect and not to obey. Lord the greatest creation you made is man, and one of them is parents. 
I thank you for giving me good and responsible parents.  I also thank you God because even thought that I’m so hard headed. God I’m sorry that whenever my parents get angry and scold at me, I fight back and scold them too. I know that I shouldn’t do it but I can’t help myself, I always feel irritated whenever they get angry at me. God I know that I’ve been a bad child to my parents but God I only have one wish. Please allow me to say sorry for all the things that I have done. My father is always working hard for my future, but all I do is waste his earnings on nonsense things. The same with my mother who is always busy. I know that she is busy but I always tell her that she doesn’t have time for me and always ask them if I’m her son. I know that as a mother, your son told you that kind of ridiculous word. It makes my mother cry, and by the time I saw her cry, I can’t help my tears. I felt guilty for what I’ve said, and what comes into my mind is to kill myself but I always think about it the second time. It always comes into my mind that my parents need me. If I die I know that they will be lonely. The loneliness in their heart will not perish. God I know that my parent don’t deserve a son like me, but you gave me to them and I know that you have a purpose for doing that. God I wish that I will be a successful man someday so that I can take care of my parents when they grew old. God please don’t let any illness go near them. It is really hard for me to see my parents suffering. God I love my parents and I don’t want to lose them. I want to be with them forever. God if You will allow me to be a child again, I would like to correct the mistakes that I’ve done and I’m going to tell myself that I should be good to my parents and I should study hard because it is the only way that I can repay my parents. They always tell me that if I study hard and I become successful it is not for them, it is for me.
          God I really love my parents. Please don’t take them away from me, but I know that you need to take the life that you lend us. God once again I thank you for giving me kind, caring, industrious and loving parents. I know that they don’t deserve me as their son but still thank you for introducing them to me. Even though that the time will come that we have to depart. I will not forget them. I might forget their faces but I will definitely not forget the memories carved within me, the lessons they taught me and everything that they’ve done for me. God I really thank you for giving me Luna M. Hinahon and Norlito P. Hinahon.

                                                                                     Eilrohn M. Hinahon

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