Huwebes, Marso 27, 2014

Forgive and Forget

Every one of us needs to forget and forgive. Hating a person due to his/her mistake won’t make us happy. We will just receive stress and we will not be able to study well especially when we are studying and when we are working we might think of it all the times so it may cause us to be fired. Every one of us knows how to forgive but the best thing to do is to forget.
          An unforgettable experience of mine which is connected in forgiving and forgetting, is when my mother got angry at me because I was suspended in school for three days. At first of course I apologized to my mother for what I have done. She told me that it is alright, just make sure that you won’t do it again. She said that to comfort me but deep inside she is still angry. Few days passed she almost forgot my sin, so for me the best way to forgive it to forget.
          Not all of us can forgive and forget. Some take the anger with them even they are in the grave already. Some of us forgive easily but doesn’t forget the sin that was done by that someone. I can say that not all of us can easily forgive and forget.
           The climax of the story I believe is when Puck poured the potion into Lysander that caused Lysander to fall in love with Helena. At first Oberon is in control of the situation until the incident happened. Two men and women caused the fight, Oberon decided to end the fight when he noticed it. Oberon himself gave the wrong order because he ordered to pour the potion into the eyes of the boy in Athenian clothes. He didn’t notice that there were two boys in Athenian clothes. That caused that misunderstanding in the play. So I can consider it as the climax of the story.    

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