Lunes, Disyembre 30, 2013

9 Violations in CavSci

          Violations are sins that we commit inside the school compound. Nine violations? It is just like the nine circles of hell described by Dante. Let’s start describing the 9 violations in CavSci described by me.
          The first one for me is the gate where you can’t enter if you are late and if you don’t have ID.  The student police also interrogate the late students. They also give punishment to those late students.
          The second one for me is the guidance center. Here we talk with the guidance councilor when we commit big mistakes. In the guidance center the students with the teachers and the student’s parent are called to decide the punishment for the students.
           The third one for me is the school ground. If you throw trashes around the janitor will definitely scold you.
          The fourth one for me is the canteen. Sometimes those students whose subject is not present stay here. It is considered cutting classes. Also those students who steal candies.
          The fifth one for me is the laboratory. The students often play with the chemicals that are used for experiments. The students also burn their hands here due to wrong handling of chemicals and laboratory apparatuses.
          The sixth one for me is the teachers table. Here the students often look at the teacher’s class record.
          The seventh one for me is the classroom. Here the students copy each other’s answers just to pass the subject.
          The eight one for me is the faculty room. Here the students are counseled before they go to the guidance center.  The students also retrieve their confiscated gadgets here.
          The ninth one for me is the principal’s office. Here the students are declared kick-out.

Biyernes, Disyembre 27, 2013

Texting affects Grammar?

          Do texting really affect our grammar? I think so. As you can see many of us are poor in English, but they are into texting so I think that their grammar will be poor.  I am not that good in grammar but I think that my grammar‘s level is decreasing. I am also into texting but I don’t think that texting doesn’t really affect our grammar. For me the one who decreases their grammar is the person itself because why would you use sentences that the grammar is wrong. It is because we are lazy. We are lazy that even a simple sentence we make look for a way to shorten it. Sometime this cause misunderstanding that endangers us. I think that we should stop texting so that our english will improve and that all Filipinos will be fluent in speaking in english that will cause easy employment.

Miyerkules, Oktubre 2, 2013

What Hatred has Halved

In the great City of Athens, a man named Romeo is madly in love with Rosaline. But it seems that they are never meant to be together. Romeo's father, Oberon, sees him spending time alone in the woods. Oberon orders his servant, Puck, to give Romeo the magic potion made from a flower in the forest. Romeo fell asleep and Puck poured the magic potion to his eyelids. Oberon, wanting new love for Romeo, carries him to the ball aboard the ship. Romeo awakens and sees the lovely maiden, Juliet. Romeo fell in love faster than a lightning bolt. The two became really close to each other. While the people in the ball are enjoying their time, Oberon was found dead. The news spread quickly. Oberon was killed with a knife. The knife was given to Oberon's son. A wild tempest appeared out of nowhere. Everyone in the ball panicked. A thunderbolt struck the ship and the ship breaks in half. The passengers fell. When they regained consciousness, they discovered they were drifted to the shores of Athens. Romeo saw Oberon happy with his wife, Titana. Romeo got very confused because he saw with his own eyes the cold dead body of his father. He overhears the conversation of Oberon's men. They described Juliet as a whore. Angry, Romeo tells everyone about what he heard. Juliet was heartbroken. While walking, he encountered three witches who introduced themselves as Oberon's servants. They told Romeo the real story behind Oberon's death. Oberon has a twin brother. They were separated by a storm when they were still young. Oberon hated his twin brother because he thought he never searched for him. Oberon was killed by his twin brother, who happens to be king Hamlet's assasin, and his men. He was killed so he won't be able to stop the tempest. They also revealed the truth about Juliet. What Romeo heard was a lie. Romeo felt sorry for he truly loved Juliet. Guilty, Romeo apologizes to the Capulets. They told Romeo that Juliet died from a heart attack. The Capulets ordered Romeo to marry Juliet's cousin. Romeo accpeted it in guilt. On the day of the wedding, Oberon's men kidnapped Romeo. Seeing Oberon, He went berserk and broke free. He grabbed a guard's sword and raised it against Oberon. Romeo shouts "Impostor". Oberon draws his sword and they fought all out. It came to the point when Romeo was on his knees. Oberon throws Romeo's sword away. When Oberon was about to cut Romeo's head off Romeo grabbed the knife, the knife from his father's body, in his pocket and stabbed Oberon on the heart. Oberon's last words revealed that Titania was behind his father's death. After the dreadful incident the wedding resumed. Juliet's cousin revealed herself as Juliet. Titania lost her crown and was never to be seen again. Romeo and Juliet became the king and queen. They lived happily ever after.

Lunes, Agosto 26, 2013

Forgive Us

Our most gracious and kind dear heavenly father
We thank thee Lord to the most precious gist you gave
When we were awakened, were thankful for your creature
You are great and deserve to be given praises

People are the most beautiful creature you formed
You entrust your most lovable presence with pride
You told us to keep it safe and take care of it
Sorry if we did not pay much care and neglect it.

We need to repay everything you entrust to us
But you retrieve us with this great devastation
Flash Flood, landslide, hurricane, lightning and thunder and blood
People were killed, houses were demolished, and they take lives

Oh! God most precious and most high as we beseech
Forgive us for what we displace and devastated
What we neglect are lessons to be corrected
Give us the trust to correct our sins and mistakes

When we saw thousands of people who died and lost
We call, shout, we wept and promise to obey you
 We promise to recover everything we misplaced

With your guidance, we foresee light and hope Amen. 

Miyerkules, Hulyo 3, 2013

ICT Collage

ICT is very helpful nowadays especially that our planet became a hi-tech one. I chose this pyramid because it represents that ICT is in the top.

Sabado, Hunyo 22, 2013

Real Ending of Romeo And Juliet

       We settle a dark peace in this morning. The sun is too sad to show itself. Let’s go, to talk about this sad things some more. Some will be pardoned, and some will be punished. There was never a story more painful than the story of Romeo and Juliet.

 Alternate Ending

          Romeo and Juliet run away from Verona. The two families blamed each other for what happened. The couples went to a far away country to continue their love there. Several years have passed and the two families still blamed each other and they almost kill each other. After a couple of years, Romeo and Juliet went back to Verona together with their children. Both Capulet and Montague were shocked, but they had no choice but to be friends for the sake of their grandchildren.

Sabado, Hunyo 15, 2013

My Father

            Every one of us have father which is very important to us. Fathers usually work for the family. They work abroad or do the heavy work. Like my father, he works abroad as a mason. Anyway my father is Norlito P. Hinahon. He is the one

          My father is a janitor in Labac Elementary School. My father has many jobs. Some of them are: gardener, electrician, and carpenter. Currently he works in Papua New Guinea as a mason. He works there together with some Filipino and natives in papua. He is very intelligent in spending money and always thinks of a plan before doing anything. He is very industrious in working. He already save money for my college.

          That’s all I can say to my father. He is the best father in the world. Happy father’s day papa       

Sabado, Hunyo 8, 2013

My Hero

         Every one of us has heroes that inspires us, changes us and most of all leave a great impact in our life. Heroes can be anime, cartoons, parents, and many more, but for me the protagonist in an anime is my hero.
          My hero is Kirigaya Kazuto a.k.a “Kirito” he is a black swordsman, he is serious, intelligent and very supportive. He also protects what is important to him and sacrifices everything to save them. He don’t want to lose someone important to him which I don’t want either. Anyway I chose him to be my hero because he always makes sure that his decision will be right so that when everything goes wrong he will be the only one who will be hurt and not his teammates. I think that his trait will be great and will be liked by others. Anyway the photo of Kirito will be show below.

          I know that my article is short, but it contains all the information that you readers should know about him. So he is Kirigaya Kazuto my hero.