Miyerkules, Enero 8, 2014

Our Semestral Break

Sembreak or semestral break is the time for students to have some fun and to do the projects that are needed to be submitted when school day is up again.
My sembreak is fun because all I need to do is to sleep and enjoy, but that is what I thought. I wasted my time doing nothing . I only chatted with my friends and played, I didn’t enjoyed my summer vacation. I forgot to go to my grandparents and I forgot that I have to help in cleaning the tomb of my cousins and grandparents. This semestral break all I did is to play and watch anime. When it is almost time to go to school, like 2 days before going to school, I rapidly did all my homeworks and studied. I often sleep for about 10 hours a day, that when I woke up I feel lazy and I like to play with the dogs and don’t do anything.

Linggo, Enero 5, 2014

The Interview of my Dream

          I set an appointment in Berlin Wall. The transportation is a pain in my wallet but it doesn’t matter.
          Me: Hello Sir!
          Hitler:  Hello fellow
          Me: Sir I came here to ask several questions about you.
          Hitler: Okay! Let’s make this quick.
          Me: So let’s begin, Sir when is your birth date?
          Hitler: It is on April 20, 1899
          Me: Sir why did you attack Poland?
          Hitler:  I attacked Poland to establish an acceptable relationship with Poland in order to fight against the West.
          Me: Oh. I see. Sir why did you kill to many Jews?
          Hitler:  I killed too many Jews because I think that they cause all the problems of Germany.
          Me: So you only did that because you think that your country needs that.
          Hitler: Yes, I only think of my country’s future.
          Me: So even the World War II is for your country’s need?
          Hitler: No, that is actually not my plan; my ambassador Joachim von Ribbentrop assured me that neither Britain of France will honor my commitments in Poland.
          Me: Thank you for your time Sir. I hope that we will meet again.
          Hitler: It’s nothing